• Familiarization with national and local environmental issues
• Focusing on air pollution issues:
• Using different materials as fuel in heating boilers
• Obtaining alternative sources of energy from the air and the sun
• Lack of natural minerals in the context of the war in Ukraine and its impact on the atmosphere
• Smog in villages and cities of all sizes
• Use of drones and flying robots to analyze air pollution in different locations (single-family homes,
heating plant, forests, villages, cities)
• Analysis of data (weekly) of air pollution at different points of Ostrzeszow at different times of the day
and night at different heights above the ground
• Meeting with specialist(s) dealing with these issues and local residents (scientists, representatives
of local offices (municipality, county) dealing with official environmental activities in the area, local
environmentalists, representatives of companies dealing with photovoltaics, wind turbines, heat
pumps, residents) - panel discussion with the participation of the local community.
During the first day of this activity, the coordinator will train the students in terms of flying robots and drones.
The rest of the TPM will be more practical - students with a specialist will be measuting, comparing and
analysing the level of air pollution.
During the last day students will prepare some profile of acquired data and present it during the pannel
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